


Get Started as a CASA advocate:


Dear Volunteer Applicant,

We are excited about your interest in helping change lives and futures for children in need of a voice.  Attached are the following documents required to be completed.

• Application and Volunteer Information
• Authorization to Release Form
• Background Check Information Forms
• Volunteer Commitment and Pledge of Confidentiality
• Pre-Service Interview Questions

Once we have received a completed application, you will be contacted by Rita Coduto, Volunteer Recruiter/Trainer for CASA of Bastrop, Fayette & and Lee Counties.  All CASA volunteer candidates must complete a thorough screening and background inspection, be interviewed by an experienced CASA staff member, and have three references.

CASA reserves the right to deny a volunteer position to any applicant without explanation.

Together, we can stop the cycle of family violence and conflict, not only for this child but for future generations to come!  If you have any questions, please call Rita Coduto @ 512.409.0771 or email at  Thank you!