Mt. Pleasant Missionary Baptist Church, Cedar Creek. Carol Johnson and Kristi Bauer, CASA Executive DirectorPatsy Buro and Dave Weishuhn of Round Top State Bank with their donation of $1,000.Karen Kahan and Jana Hellbusch on behalf of the Bastrop Evening Lions Club.Clarice, aka “Rudolph’s girlfriend”Wayne Mercer, Amber Wilson, J’Michael Kiser and Ja’Shawn Kiser with the Lost Pines Leathernecks Det 1384.Lilla Blackburn Sivek and Lisa Mayer with Round Top Real Estate.Monica Joiner and Sunya Sauls with Silver Pines Nursing and Rehabilitation Center.Allyson Davis, Jessica Morrill, Cami Dixon, and Marsha Pyle of WoodmenLife donated $25 gift cards totaling $1000 from their Bastrop and LaGrange offices.The family of Rachel Conley of Edward Jones in Giddings.Yesenia Lopez, Leslie Muller and Faun Collins with Bastrop Central Appraisal District.Colorado River Cowboy Church, Smithville.360 Property Group and Marisol Giron of Remax Ideal Realty sponsored a Toy Drive for CASA. Sarah Rojas of 360 Property Group shown here with Kristi Bauer, Executive Director.Alison Smiley and Tim Grandy sponsored two CASA children.Sommer Tuch, on behalf of Lost Pines Power Park of LCRA donated $1000 worth of gift cards for our CASA children.Linda McNett sponsored two CASA children.Residents of The Colony provided Christmas gifts for many CASA children.Good Shepherd Lutheran School and Church. Judy shown here with Kristi Bauer, CASA Executive Director.Christi Wood, Office Manager and Rusty Wilbourn, General Manager of Darling Ingredients, Bastrop.CASA Theresa Sterling with Kristi Bauer, CASA Executive Director.Marcia Albers with Smithville Stitchers. Thirty-seven pillow cases, three quilts with bags and 1 tote bag.
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“To give a child a CASA is to give them a voice. To give them a voice is to give them hope. And to give them hope is to give them the world. I believe that with all my heart.” – Pamela Butler, former foster youth